Community hub

There are a lot of community organisations in the local area that come together to offer a range of services. Our community hub has all the information you need about the advice and support available to all local residents.

Community hub services

The community hub aims to signpost patients and local residents to services and support for a variety of needs, including:

  • Abuse.
  • Access to transport.
  • Accommodation/tenancy support.
  • Bereavement.
  • Digital inclusion.
  • Family support.
  • Food (foodbanks, cooked meals, classes, etc.).
  • Employment support.
  • Homelessness.
  • Lifestyle problems.
  • Loneliness/isolation.
  • Mental and physical health support.
  • Money support and advice.
  • Parenting.
  • Practical support.
Community based groups and help

There is a new Loss, Grief and Beyond Café starting in November, please follow the link to find out more details Loss,Grief and Beyond Café

Is there someone in your life with early memory loss?  If so, please click on the following link regarding a new local group: Yesterday no more.pdf

Brook sexual health services are available to the population of Cornwall, to access these services, please click on the following link

Struggling with the cost of living?

If you are struggling with the cost of living in the current economic climate, below are links to several resources that maybe able to help you:

Local area exercise groups


At St Agnes Surgery, we promote exercise to improve physical and mental wellbeing, regardless of age.

Below you will find links to all of the local exercise groups/centres.

St Agnes

Patient support

You can find out more about the medical support and services that are available to patients in the local area on our patient support page.