Welcome to St Agnes Surgery

Telephone: 01872 553881

Meet our Team

Our friendly and helpful team are here to help you manage your health and wellbeing, and make sure you have access to healthcare services in the local area.


Book, change or cancel an appointment with your GP. You can schedule a home visit too.


Find out more about prescriptions and how to order a repeat prescription using our online form.

How we can help you

Find out more about the online services we offer and the healthcare advice we provide when you need it.

Surgery information

Find out more about St Agnes Surgery, our opening times and team.

Register at our surgery

Become a new patient by simply completing our online form.

Test results

Find out how to get your test results, more about wait times and further information online.

Fit notes

Find out how to get a fit note (sick note) from your doctor online.

Find out more

Covid and flu jabs

Find out more about how to protect yourself against flu and Covid.

Seasonal campaigns

Find out more about the latest seasonal campaigns from St Agnes Surgery.

Surgery closure dates

Find out when the surgery is closed.